Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Regional Assembly of Text

The Regional Assembly of Text is a stationary store, but so much more than a stationary store, on Main St. in Vancouver. It's pretty embaressing how many times I said "so cute!" in the time I was in the store, but really I couldn't help it. The store has stationary items, buttons, hilarious form letters for the uninspired letter writer, minature art books, and even their very own library of hand-made art books.

The design of the store is genius, from their whimsical logo to the wall of drawers and files cabinets, to the peg board display racks everything is cohesive and well thought out. It's a really good example of how good branding is about attention to detail, and doesn't have to cost a fortune, I love how even their information about returns etc. is posted on clipboards.

They have a letter writing club the first Thursday of every month at 7pm (you can find out more on their site)and you can also purchase a membership to their book of the month club (but instead of cheesy Danielle Steele you get adorable minature art books) in store.

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